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雅思口语part1话题Personal Habits

2019-07-25 | 编辑:y | 分享到
摘要:雅思口语part1话题Personal Habits

广州雅思培训小编要分享的是雅思口语备考类:雅思口语part1话题Personal Habits

I:Well,let's change the subject and talk about your personal habits.What is your favourite food?

C:My favourite food is Chinese dumplings.They are delicious.

I:Aha,and,what is the most important meal of the day for you?

C:Sometimes,traditional food.Sometimes fast food.I don't think food is very important

in my life.And so I just eat them(it)to get enough energy.[考生实际上是答非所问,并没有真正理解考官的问题。考官问的是一日三餐中哪一顿对他最重要?考生应在lunch或dinner甚至breakfast中作出选择并陈述理由.]

I:What about TV?Do you watch a lot of TV?

雅思口语part1话题Personal Habits

C:No,as a director of sales and marketing I haven't enough time to watching TV.Another

thing is that I don't think TV plo(plays an)important role in my life,because I can get

information from other channels.

I:Has it always been that way...


I:...that you didn't watch much TV?


I:How much exercise do you do?

C:Usually,I do some jog(jogging)and mountain climbing in my holidays,and at(the)

weekend I do some exereise(sports)such as table tennis and volleyball.[此处,考生

还是误解了考官的问题。 实际上,他回答的是“"What exercise do you do?"这一问题,而没有针对"How much exercise do you do?”作出恰当的反应。]



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]