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2019-07-01 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到

今天小编要给大家分享的是: 雅思口语高频part1解析--Gifts


Key words

Birthdays gift/present 生日礼物

best wishes 美好的祝福

mid-autumn festival 中秋节

Valentines’ day 情人节

New year’s visit 拜年

a great gift-giver 很会送礼的人

Exchanging gifts 交换礼物

Bribery 贿赂

enhance the relationship 加强联系

1. Do you often give gifts to people?

Absolutely! I usually give gifts on a lot of occasions such as birthdays of my families and my friends.

I believe giving gifts to the person I care and love on some special occasions represents my best wishes to them.

Plus, I place much emphasis on gift-giving for the reason that I think it’s a friendly way to bond with others and to strength our relationship.

2. Do you and your friend or family members give each other gifts?

Yes. We share gifts on family celebration or festivals.

New year’s visit, birthday parties and weddings and mid-autumn festival are occasions on which gifts are most widely shared.

Some youngsters even celebrate Christmas, Valentines’ day.

3.Do you think it is easy to choose what to give other people?

Not at all! Every time I need to give other people gifts, I have to rack my brain trying to work out what is the best gift for him or her.

I can take up to days and hours in the mall trying to find something unique for someone special to me because I don't want the receiver to get the same present from me every year!

Plus, I need to consider that whether the gift I delicately choose might meet his or her taste. I want to be a great gift-giver.

All these considerations make it hard for me to give gift every year!

4. Is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?

Yes. It’s our common practice to buy gifts when visiting someone to show our gratitude to those who invite us.

Otherwise it will be regarded as rude. It is quite necessary cuz exchanging gifts is always one of the best ways to enhance the relationship between people involved.



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