今天小编要给大家分享的是: 雅思口语:健身相关
1.work out 健身
Do you work out on a regular basis?
I have been working out every day。我每天都去健身。
Work out是动词词组,当我们要表达名词的“健身”时,我们只需要将中间的空格去掉,变成workout就ok啦,比如我们可以说You should never eat before a workout,健身之前绝对不能吃东西哦。I did a two-hour workout in the gym. 我在健身房锻炼了两个小时。
2.fitness club/center 健身房
I haven't gone to the fitness club for a long time because of work.
在口语中,gym也是老外喜欢挂在嘴边的一个词哦,他们经常会说I hit the gym everyday我每天都去健身房, hit the gym是非常地道的一个词组,下次想说go to the gym的时候不妨用这个代替。
3.Body-building exercises健身运动
sit-up 仰卧起坐;push-up 俯卧撑;pull-up/chin-up 引体向上;yoga 瑜伽;jogging 慢跑;aerobics 有氧运动;aerobics dancing 健美操;
skateboarding 滑板运动;golf 高尔夫运动;cycling 自行车运动;tennis 网球运动;swimming 游泳;skiing 滑雪;skating 滑冰;strength training 力量 训练;squat 深蹲;
Yoga is aerobics suitable for people of all ages.
4. fitness equipment 健身器材
跑步机 treadmill;坐姿推胸机 chest press machine;双臂交叉训练机 sover machine;旋转训练机 rotary torso machine;腿部推蹬机 leg press;动感单车 spinning;哑铃 dumbbell; 划船机 rowing machin;举重 pump iron/lift weights;俯卧撑 push-up;仰卧起坐 sit-up; 引体向上 pull-up/chin-up;瑜伽 yoga;
记得温暖地告诉你的男神/女神:Do some warm-up activities like stretching at first to prevent your muscle being pulled. 首先要来点热身运动比如说拉伸以防肌肉拉伤哦。(stretching n.拉伸;pull a muscle 拉伤肌肉)
5.calorie 卡路里
A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight.
Working out is unquestionably the most efficient way to burn calories.
6.ripped 有明显肌肉线条的
No wonder you look ripped! 难怪你看起来肌肉那么结实!
7.tone up 增强体质
The current trend is to tone up: be muscular and healthy. 当前的趋势是让肌肉变得更强健,身体变得更健康。
More exercise and a change of diet will tone up your body.多进行锻炼并改变饮食会使你身强体壮。
I'm a gym rat. 我是健身狂人。(gym rat健身鼠,整天泡在健身房练肌肉的人)
I'm tired just thinking about going to the gym. 想想去健身,我就已经累得不行了。
You look in a perfect condition.
上一篇: 雅思口语7分绊脚石