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2019-06-05 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到

今天小编给大家分享:   雅思口语:励志的话题  


对于很多考生来说,第一反应肯定是academic success,但是不会所有人都是top student,也不可能都参加了什么“奥林匹克竞赛”拿奖嘛(土生土长的中国娃一定对这个比赛不陌生对不对!)

或者有人会和team那道话题合并,开始讲叙团队集体的成功,比如debate team,drama club,science club等等,但是风险是可能会遇到一些不太熟悉的术语之类的东东。



于是“习得了一项超有挑战的新技能”,“减肥成功”等励志故事(inspirational story),都可以拿出来说说了!

describe a success in your life

Well, the success I’m going to talk about might not sound as impressive as the ones other candidates have told you, but it really means lot to me,and many of friends call it “an inspirational story”.

So here’s my story. I wasn’t always like this. I used to be a lot bigger when I was in junior high school. But it didn’t bother me back then because I was a big foodie and all I cared about was if there’s palatable food on my dinner table.

I didn’t know anything about beauty and health until I went to high school. It was like, all of a sudden, everybody started to pay attention to their appearance, and according to the common aesthetic standards, only slim girls are considered to be attractive.

And you know how mean some high school students can be, right? When people started to make jokes about me and give me nicknames like “little big” or “fatty”, I just started to become self-conscious about my weight.

For the record, I’m not a shallow person, but those personal remarks could really get to me.

And it was not just that, my weight had seriously affected my health.

I remember I always felt embarrassed in PE class because I usually couldn’t catch my breath after just a little warming up.

So I told myself, it has to change. I consulted some professionals, and got myself a gym membership card, hired a personal trainer, and started to go

on a diet. I kissed goodbye to my favorite chocolate and other high calorie food.

It was not easy at first, but I made it at last! After a year’s hard work, I lost more than 30 pounds. And I manage to stay that weight till today.

I feel a lot more confident and healthier right now, so this is the success I’m pretty proud of.


useful thing you once borrowed


foreign country you want to visit but haven't been


Describe a photo of yourself you have taken


A person you know whose job is important


A person in the news


A family member you spend most time with.


An article about helathy life


A new skill you want to learn


An ideal house




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]