今天广州环球教育小编给大家分享: 雅思口语part1答题技巧
首先来看看 part1常会见到的一些问题:
雅思口语Part1话题food 问题汇总
What can you cook?
What is the strangest food that you have ever eaten?
What food can you stand?
How often do you have dinner with your family?
What kind of dessert is popular in your country?
What kinds of fruits and vegetables are grown in your country?
What is the grocery shop near your home?
What food from your country will you miss most if you were living abroad?
What food from your country will suggest a foreigner try?
Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?
How often do you eat fast food at a restaurant?
Is it customer eat a tip at a restaurant in your country?
Who usually pays for the meal when going out to eat in your country?
part 1 的回答技巧
只要三个单词:yes, I do或者no, I don't。这样一来,答案内容清晰明了,并且,问题中的核心动词,我们用助动词进行了同意替换。
那么类似地,当考官问到你:Will you continue living in your hometown in the future? 我们就可以简单明了地回答:Yes, I will/No, I won’t. 那是不是这样的问题只要回答三个单词就万事大吉了呢?
答案是no! 雅思口语评分标准中的fluency and coherence 中,在6分段明确提出了一个要求:speak at length。翻译过来的意思就是要“详细地说”。所以三个单词的回答,很明显不符合雅思口语“详细地”的评分标准,那么分数自然也不会高。
关于part 1 中如何充分的回答问题, 同学们请记住一个原则即:Give full answers and extra information。
一个好的part1 口语答案一定包含这两个内容。 那么什么叫给出全面的答案和额外的信息呢?
我们以文章中的问题为例: do you like swimming? 如果我回答:yes, I do. 这样的答案做到了give full answer, 但没有给出extra information。 这是不符合评分标准的。但如果我说:yes, I do. I often go swimming in my leisure time with my friends, coz I think it is a good way to get us close. 这样的回答就是一个比较合适的答案,因为首先我正面回答了问题即give full answers (我喜欢游泳)。同时我又给出了适当的extra information,分别是:in my leisure time(when), with my friends(with whom) 和 a good way to get us close(why)。
上一篇: 雅思口语考试的时候避免出现这些扣分的动作
下一篇: 雅思口语:说的速过快是不可行的