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2019-05-07 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到

雅思分数该怎么提高呢?雅思口语又改怎么提高呢?雅思口语考试持续时间约为11到14分钟,经历三个部分,其中Part Two与Part 1和Part 3不同,这一部分考官不参与讨论,全听考生个人独白。考生相当于是需要用英语进行两分钟的即兴演讲,语言的组织能力以及流畅性将会在此部分尽显无遗。那为啥雅思口语:

雅思口语:Part2为啥如此关键如此重要   会有如此特殊的地位呢? 为啥看到的回忆总是paty2最多呢?  下面广州环球教育小编就给大家分析分析。

Part2的重要性 IELTS Speaking: the importance of part 2

Students often ask me what will happen if they do badly in part 2 of the speaking test. Is it still possible to get a high score?

Yes, in theory, it is still possible to get a reasonably high score (maybe band 7) if you do badly in part 2, but you would need to give excellent answers in part 3. In practice, candidates rarely recover from a bad part 2; I don't

remember anyone who made a mess of part 2 but suddenly did a fantastic part 3.

My advice: You should consider part 2 as the core of your speaking test. It's your best chance to show how good your English is, and it's the examiner's best chance to listen carefully to your use of language. In fact, it's probably the

point at which most examiners get a clear idea of what score to give you.

1 理论上,如果你的PART2没说好,PART3很厉害,那么还是可能拿一个好成绩

2 实际上,如果你PART2没说好,你基本上是很难恢复状态去说好PART3.

3 所以我觉得口语最重要的部分是PART2,大部分考官会在PART2 大概知道要给你多少分

雅思口语是否要用复杂句 complex structures?

Students often worry that they need to use "complex structures" in the speaking test. But what is a complex structure?

This website explains the difference between simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences. You'll notice that compound and complex sentences are much easier than they sound! I'm sure you use them all the time without

realising it.

Here's my advice: stop worrying about the need for "complex" grammar. Instead, focus on expressing your ideas well. As you explain your ideas in detail, you will naturally produce longer sentences which contain a variety of grammatical





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