雅思口语是一场考试但也如同一场表演,除了要掌握雅思口语发音技巧外在这一过程中除了展示自己熟练的英文技巧也可以展示出自己的人格人性。雅思考生再答题过程中如何体现的懂礼有节 一样重要。尤其对于国内部分考生,说英文生硬而无礼,直白的简单句表达自己的意图,下面小编为大家总结了雅思口语中那些不可忽略的小词
怎么样在个人独白的过程中体现交流?那就需要连贯性用语。这不仅是有效交流的利器,还能降低Part 2任务的难度。举例说明如下:
例1: OK, the city I am going to talk about is Beijing. Well, as you may probably know, it is a large city. And um, it is the capital of China. I suppose if I had to describeBeijing, the first thing I would say is that it offers tourists so many wonderful places to go, you know, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and uh, of course, the Summer Palace. Another reason to visit Beijing is the Roast Duck, which is really, really delicious. I am sure you are gonna love it! Also, you can’t miss the Peking Opera. It’s amazing!...
例2:以Describe a city 为例。Beijing is a large city. It is the capital of China. Beijing has many tourist attractions, such as, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace. Beijing Roast Duck is very delicious. Peking Opera is amazing. Beijing successfully held the 2008 Olympic Games. …老师有话说:你的确给出了关于一个城市的较多信息,但是表达十分生硬,片面追求答案只会给自己增加难度,其结果往往是吞吞吐吐,断断续续,最后因为所给的每句答案都过于简短直接因而还撑不满一分钟就无话可说了。即使考试的时候能够将这段话几乎无停顿地流利顺畅地讲出来并且还给出了足够的信息讲满了一分钟(基本上不可能,除非考前准备过),那么听起来也绝对像是背书,考官会猜疑答案是“记熟”的。相反,如果多一些连贯性用语那么结果就大不一样了。
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