今天咱们来一起说说雅思口语当季题库中的人物题。大家都知道,人物题在整个雅思口语第二部分考试中一直扮演着男4号女8号的角色, 但是没有这部分题目,考试还真的会让人觉得不完整。总之一句话,人物题数量有限,难度同样有限。只要烤鸭们在备考的时候合理地分配出一点时间来准备这类题目,就可以在考试中畅行无阻。
1. A good parent you know
2. A business person you admire
3. An interesting foreigner you know or read about
4. A knowledgeable person
5. A couple with happy marriage
6. A person who is helpful for your work or study
7. A person who solved a problem in a clever way
简要地说,就这么七个题目。前六道全部都是以往题库中出现过的题目,并没有任何一个新题。仔细分析不难发现,其实前五个题目才是真正的人物描述,而最后一题实则是一个经历描述。先说前五个,难度都非常有限,题干中的修饰性成分不多,并且不难。往往就是一个形容词来限定题干的核心词,并且就算有定语从句的情况下,也往往是 you know / you admire 等这些非常泛泛的限定。再加之对以往题库的分析,我们不难得出一个结论:这一季中人物题是来凑数的,谁考到,谁人品好。第六和第七个人物题,希望考生们不要以人物题的方式来应对, 因为它们接近于事件经历题,在回答过程中要注意多种时态的准确应用。第七个题目标记出来,只是告诉大家我对此并没忽略,但是这个题需要经历支持。
I know a couple and both of them are my friends. The wife used to be my classmate and coincidently her husband and I used to work in the same company. Naturally, we become good friends and sometimes eat out together because all of us are foodies. That is why I know lots of stories about them. Specifically, they got married around 12 years ago, exactly 5 years after they fell in love with each other. At the beginning of their romance, they lived in two separate cities. I was told that they first met each other on line and then had a crash on each other.
Long-distance relationship was something hard for most of people so the guy went to the lady’s living city to settle down. He got a totally new life, including a new job, a newsocial circle and a new friend me. We worked together for three years and then he decided to further his education in Netherland. Without any hesitation, the girl went to EU
with him.
Before they went abroad, they got married. I went to their wedding ceremony, a romantic and cozy one. During the ceremony, the guy gave all participants a short speech, sayingthat love was so pure that each one of the couple likes to sacrifice whatever she or he has for the other. That was also how they two got together. Undeniably, he firstly gave up all he had and began a new life in the city where the girl was in. And now, his wife gave up all she had to go abroad with him. That is what happiness is and what love is.
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