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2017-09-06 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到



Part one:


1.  Meals (when do you often have meals? Who do you often have meals with? Do you cook at home or eat outside? Do you still like the same food that you liked while being a child? )

2.  School life (high school) (do you still remember the first day you went to school? Do you like your high school? Who is the teacher you like most in your high school ?)

3.  Rainy days (Do you like rainy days? Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you? What will you do if you do not take raincoats or umbrellas with you? How rainy days affect people’s life?  )

4.  Computers and internet (不确定,有待补充)

5.  Training (have you ever taken any training? what skills have you learned? Why? What skills do you want to learn? )

6.  News (do you read news from newspaper or internet? What kinds of news you read? International news or local ones? Do you often talk about news with your friends? )

7.  Teenagers (Do you often spend time with teenagers? Why and why not? What do you often do if so? What do teenagers often do? Any trend of fashion teenagers have in your country recently? What is the best part of being a teenager in your country? )

8.  Boat (do you like going boating? Do you want to own a boat? Do you like boating? Do you often take a boat? )

9.  Traveling (do you like traveling? With whom? Where do you like going? Any traveling plan? )

10.  Family activities (staying at home) (do you often stay at home? Why or why not? What do you often do being at home? At weekends, do you like to stay at home or being outside? )


1.  Study or work

2.  Hometown

3.  Names

4.  Housework

5.  Public Transport

6.  Friends (do you still keep in touch with your classmates in primary school? What do you often do while hanging out with them? How do you make friends? Are some of your coworkers your friends? )

7.    Teachers

8.    Advertisement

9.    Email

10.  Fruits

11.  Neighbors

12.  Sunshine

13.  Birthday

14.  History

15.  Pop stars

16.  Politeness

17.  Time management

18.  Jewelry

19.  Daily routine

20.  Dream

21.  Magazine

Part two:


1.  A dream house / apartment you want to move in (a perfect place to live)

2.  A place where you like to listen to music (where, who often go there, what kinds of music, why)

3.  A rule or regulation of your school that you agreed or disagreed (what, effects, useful, whether you like it)

4.  A traditional product in your country

5.  A piece of furniture (what it is, who bought it, material of it, whether you like it)

6.  A historical figure you are interested in

7.  A leisure facility (like a cinema, a theater or a sports center) you like to have in your hometown

8.  A way to stay healthy

9.  Something you bought recently that made you happy

10.  A good parent

11.  An important letter you received (who sent it, what it is about, whether it is important, whether you replied it) (a time you received a letter)

12.  A science class in your high school (Something you learned in science classes in your high school )

13.  An exciting book you have read before

14.  A business person you admire (who, what business, what you know about him or her, why you admire him or her)

15.  A town or a city you know (where, whether have you been there, whether you want to settle down there) (与老题类似,有待考证)

16.  Something you bought because you watched its advertisement

17.  An interesting place that only a few people know

18.  An experience of teaching something

19.  A shopping mall you often go to

20.  An interesting foreigner you know

21.  A happy experience because of mobile phone

22.  A decision that someone around you made recently

23.  An achievement that you are proud of

24.  A park or a garden

25.  An occasion you helped someone


1.  A kind of foreign food that you had before

2.  A car journey

3.  A useful website

4.  A place with lots of people

5.  A recent change

6.  An interesting person (neighbor)

7.  A time you ate a special cake

8.  A time you went to an appointment much earlier than scheduled

9.  Something you want to do but you have not for a long time

10.  A couple with happy marriage

11.  A polite person

12.  A person who helped you on your work or study

13.  A piece of good news you heard

14.  A free gift you received (a free meal or a free movie)

15.  A piece of clothes you like most

16.  A TV series you like

17.  An invention that changed people’s life

18.  A big company or organization in your city that employs a lot of people

19.  A situation someone solved a problem with a clever solution

20.  A happy memory in your childhood

21.  Interesting conversation with someone you did not know

22.  A small city or town you like most

23.  An occasion you saw lots of people were smiling

24.  A work of art

25.  A sport you like watching

26.  Leisure activity near sea

27.  An English class that you enjoyed

28.  Someone you want to know more

29.  A time you moved into a new place to live or a new school




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]