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See the red light 不要翻译为“看见红灯”啦!!!

2017-07-25 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到
摘要:See the red light 不要翻译为“看见红灯”啦!!!

广州雅思培训小编给大家整理了环球教育老师写的:See the red light 不要翻译为“看见红灯”啦!!!

最近教学的时候,总是能听到这样那样的中式表达,类似的问题迁哥也着实写了不少东西了。 英语也是蛮有意思的,有时候读英文小说English Novel 会读到一些不错的表达, 你若是字字翻译,你反而弄不懂它真实的意思。 说实在的太多太多的英文不能望文生义的: 今天就跟着迁哥一一的来盘点下那些Native speaker 的表达:

1. See eye to eye 一般人会翻译为大眼瞪小眼,其实应为---“看法一致”

I suppose one good reason for them to get married is that they seeeye to eye on just everything.


2. Pull one’s leg 是不有“拖后腿的意思呢”,其实应为---“ 开某人的玩笑”,惊讶了吧。

My roommate said that this girl had told him she wouldn’t mind going out with me. But when I invited her to a movie, I learned he was just pulling my leg. 这个大学生说:“我的同房间同学说,那个女孩愿意和我一起出去玩。 可是,当我请她去看电影的时候,我才发现我那同学是逗我, 开我的玩笑。”

3. 很多人看到“pull up one's socks”就会想到“提上袜子”,马上要去参加运动的赶脚,告诉你这个理解是错误的,正确意思是“鼓起勇气,振作起来”的意思,适合用在鼓励失落的人时候说。

I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter. So I'm telling you guys - you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer.


4. See the red light 察觉危险逼近,

Sample 1: As soon as he led the conversation round to borrowing money I saw the red light .


Sample 2: I was about to invest money in the company but I saw thered light when their annual report was published


5. Yellow dog 很多人理解成“黄狗的意思,其实引申义为“卑鄙的小人,”Eg: Hey, He is a typical yellow dog ! please stay away from him! 嗨,他是一个小人,请远离他吧!

6. Old cat 很多人以为是“老猫的意思”,天哪,莫可不这样的去理解啊,其实这是一个骂人的话耶,其实为脾气坏的老婆, 女人这个呢, 迁哥呢就不在此多举例啦,毕竟不太雅观啊, 类似的关于Cat 的口语phrases挺多的么, 如: A cat with nine lives 有九条命的猫,其实为富有生命力的人,还有 it rains cats and dogs 大雨倾盆啊。

7. .Foot the bill就是结账的意思了。可以理解成去走去柜台埋单。在语言表达的时候也会时常出现买,出资的一些场合。就是我们常说的Pay the bill , 很多雅思口语考试中都能够用到这个表达啦, 如话题topics : Describe a foreign food you ate before , 你去餐馆吃饭付账啦,就可以啦, 前些日子迁哥在网络上看到这么一段话,恰恰看到了用到了这个短语啦,一起欣赏下.

下面的题目,看看如何去将foot the bill运用到回答里面去。涉及到出钱的大家都可以用这个短语了。.Why young people tend to waste money?

Frankly speaking, Young people are an age-group that in their adolescence, which is time that they want to establish their own way of living style and proving how different they are from others. Therefore during this period of time they would quite likely to footing on the wrong bill on buying things overly charged without actual practical purpose to distinguish themselves.




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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]