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雅思口语:从A到Z的360度玩转“语言之练习Language practice

2017-04-17 | 编辑:广州环球教育 | 分享到
摘要:雅思口语:从A到Z的360度玩转“语言之练习Language practice

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Language practice

最近吵的最热闹的莫过于中美关系中的各种事事了,前几日偶读英国卫报《The Guardian》,一位叫Philip Oltermann 的记者correspondent 写的一篇关于Sino-America 关系的从A-Z的面临的谈判议题。不得不佩服该correspondent的这别出心裁的题目,让人为之叫绝!那么今天老师也大致的写点这样的文字了。供天下英文学习爱好者享用!

Check it out guys!

Learning a language well takes time and effort but it can be fun and exciting along the way. Here is my A to Z

list of how to improve anddevelop your language skills to reach your goal.学好一门语言是需要付出时间和艰辛的事情,但是在整个学习的路途中是可以充满乐趣的. 如下是笔者对从A到Z的方法,以期能够实现目标之.

An A to Z of improving language skills.

Application: You need to apply yourself to learning a language well.Don’t get disheartened, progress can be up and down – just keep going!应用: 你需要有效的去学习一门语言. 莫泄气, 进步的路程中总是伴随着起起伏伏,记住! 继续前行!

Bite-size: As with any skill the best way to develop and improve is by practicing little and often!小块量的练习, 若说任何提高语言的技巧, 最好的办法即是通过一点一滴的时常练习!

Collocation: This aspect of language is a good area to concentrate on for advanced students. So, Please memorize more !词语搭配: 这个方面是主要针对高水平的同学,多积累一些固定的词语搭配.

Determination: You’ll need some of this to achieve your goal决心: 你将需要一定的决心来实现你的目标.

Enjoyment: Make sure this is included in your study or you’ll soonget bored and frustrated –pick what you like –there’s a lot of choice out there!乐趣: 确保在你的学习中要充满乐趣,否则不久你就会感到百般无聊和沮丧, 选择你喜欢的东西, 有很多选择的!

Future Tense: The future tense is bound to come up. It’s a big and sometimes confusing area of grammar but one that it will pay you totackle. 将来时: 将来时终归是会出现的. 此为语法领域的比较大的,有时也会令人困惑不解的一种语法,但是掌握此语法,终究是一件有回报性的事情.

Gap fillers: gap-filler is crucially important when you speak English , say, you know, by the way…etc. 填充词: 在说英文的时候,填充词俗称废话,是很重要的, 如you know, by the way等诸如此类之。Haiku: Why not try something different, be creative! Write a poem (haikus are a good, short, format), a blog –just for fun – find somewhere online to make a contribution. 十七音诗(一种日本古诗歌):为什么不尝试下不同的东西, 要创新! 如写一首歌(Kaikus 是比较不错的,言简意赅的格式诗歌), 或者弄个博客blog –就算是为了乐趣, 在网上弄点这样的东西对自己也不失为一种小小贡献,帮助。

Idioms: Try learning one or two of these a week and use them as soon as you can to test and help you remember. 习语: 每周不妨试着学一两个习语,尝试着多运用这些习语,对你记忆会帮助不小.

Jaw: You’ll need this to get to grips with pronunciation. Get out your mirror and start articulating! 下巴,下颌: 在掌握发音方便蛮有用的,拿出来你的镜子,开始口齿清楚的表达,练发音吧!

Karaoke: Learn some songs – a fun way to study. Choose your styleof music and sing along! 卡拉OK: 学唱一些英文歌曲,不失为学习英文的一种有趣的方法。选下你喜欢的音乐风格,唱吧!

Listening skills: This is so important and is often a weakness in students. Surround yourself with different types of listening examples try out some local radio phone-in programmes they’re fast and furious with lots of different voices and accents and can be fun too! 听力技巧: 听力是如此的重要,通常也是很多同学的软肋。尝试下去听当地的一些不同的广播节目,或者手机上的听力Programmes ,这些广播节目的语速可以快速点的,带有各种各样的口音的会更有意思。

Modal verbs: Another important area of grammar to master –you can send your language performance up another notch if you use these skillfully! 情态动词: 情态动词是另一个需要掌握的重要语法知识,如果你能够熟练的运用这些情态动词,会使你的语言水平达到另一个高度,另外一个水平。

Non-defining relative clauses: This always sounds impressive – check it out! 非限制性关系从句:这个语法总是听起来很给力的,注意啦。看下啦!

Onomatopoeia: Why not try some poetry, it’s good for vocabulary, read it aloud for pronunciation, it makes you think and best of all it’s often quite short! (onomatopoeia) 拟声词:为什么不试一些诗歌,对于学习英文词汇方面很有益的。 大声读出其发音,最好让你感到这些诗歌并不是那么的长.

Phrasal verbs: The ‘must have’ accessory of every English language student! There are so many –learn bit by bit. 动词词组:对于每一个英文语言学习的学生而言,都应该一点一点的去学习这些动词短语。

Quirky: Learning languages should be fun (and a little bit serious) –choose a fun group activity where you can use your language and practise your skills –or start one in your area. 来点奇特的东西, 学习语言理应充满乐趣的,选一个可以运用你的语言,练习语言技巧的团队活动, 或者干脆自己组建一个。

Repetition: This is part of the training – drilling and memorising –make it more interesting by turning yourverb list into a rap or funny song 重复: 重复是练习和记忆训练的一部分,通过把一系列的动词编成一个rap歌曲或者有趣的歌曲可以让你的练习更加的趣味十足。

Spelling: This is a problem for everyone -even native speakers! I have my dictionary next to me all the time, I have to check too!拼写: 这个是每个人都会有的问题,甚至于母语者Native speakers也不例外! 我总是把一本英文字典随时放在身边,我不得不查啊!

Tenses: Do you know them, can you use them? 时态:你真的懂时态了么? 是否会运用时态?

Understanding: Language learning is all about understanding and communicating. Take time to listen and assimilate the information. Fluency does not equal speed! Don’t forget the cultural side of language learning –this needs understanding too! 理解:语言的学习不外乎理解和交流。花点时间去听和吸收一些信息。流利度并不等同于速度! 别忘了语言学习的文化方面, 此亦需要理解!

Verbs: They come in all shapes and sizes and exhibit lots of different behaviours –make sure that you spend time sorting these out. Remember that advanced students often make elementary mistakes so take care! 动词:动词往往是以各种形式来表现不同的行为方式, 确信你花点时间理清楚它们。记住高水平的的学生也会通常犯一些基础错误,所以呢,注意了!

Words: The protons and neutrons of language! What can I say – themore you know the better your performance.单词: 单词是语言学习的质子和中子!我该怎么说呢? 总之,你掌握的词汇量越多,那么你的语言水平会更棒.

Xerox: Don’t be a photocopy collector! Your language knowledgedoesn’t equate to the size of your study file. Read and copy out the most important rules or examples. The copying process is part of the learning –old fashioned perhaps but it works!

用施乐复印机复印:不要作一个复印收集器!你的语言知识并不等同于你的学习资料的多少。大声读出和复印出那些最重要的语法规则和例子。复印的过程本身就是学习的一部分, 老套但好用!

Your/You’re: Don’t do this –one of the most common grammar /spelling crimes today! Or try yoga for concentration or speak to a local yokel forpractice! Your/you’re: 不要这样做! 这是今天最常见的语法/拼写错误之一! 否则你就是为了专注注意力而去做瑜伽,或者等同于同一个乡巴佬练习口语啦!



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