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2019-08-30 | 编辑:y | 分享到

广州雅思培训小编要分享的是: 雅思听力真题中常常出现的填写信息表格的问句


What's your name?

How to spell your family name?

What's your nationality?Are you a Japanese?

After you give me your student number,I'd like to know what courses you will take?

When is your first day of class session?

By the way,what's your blood type,in case of an emergency?

Could you spell your partner's given name?

Where is your address?

Have you got a contact telephone number?

Can you estimate the value of the lost briefcase?

Tell me your name and address.

Which faculty are you in?

What maks your car and what is the registration number of your car?

Could you please sign here?

What's your library membership number?

What's your mailing address?

What's your fax number?

Could you tell me your date of birth,please?

关于: 雅思听力真题中常常出现的填写信息表格的问句 广州雅思培训小编就分享到这里了,希望对考生们有帮助~~



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]