想提高雅思听力水平,除了靠多做真题背单词等之外,练耳感也很重要。除了平时听VOA、BBC等相关的英语广播之外,经常看英美剧也是可以提升自己的耳感噢!今天广州环球教育小编找来谢耳朵主演的家喻户晓的美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)的部分日常对话,来学习下其中可以学到的实用雅思听力句型,给各位雅思备考的同学们一些参考。
Leonard: Okay, well, make yourself at home.
Penny: Okay, thank you.
Leonard: You`re very welcome.
(Sheldon pulls a face).
Penny (looking at whiteboard): This looks like some serious stuff, Leonard, did you do this?
Sheldon: Actually that’s my work.
Penny: Wow.
Sheldon: Yeah, well, it’s just some quantum mechanics, a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that’s just a joke, it’s a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Penny: So you’re like, one of those, beautiful mind genius guys.
Sheldon: Yeah.
Penny: This is really impressive.
pull a face produce a facial expression that shows dislike or some other negative emotion, or that is intended to be amusing.
Penny: So you`re like, one of those, beautiful mind genius guys.
Sheldon: Yeah.
Penny: This is really impressive.
pull a face produce a facial expression that shows dislike or some other negative emotion, or that is intended to be amusing (做鬼脸)
serious needing to be thought about carefully; not only for pleasure(认真的,严肃的,正经的,真正的)
【例】It's time to give serious consideration to this matter.
Doodle around (intr; often foll by away) US to dawdle or waste time.
【例】These meaningless symbols doodle around the edges of his homework.
Spoof a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way.
【例】Word got out that the whole thing had been a spoof.
【例】So this one is not a spoof, it's actually a pretty cute video and it offers us the opportunity to just take a look at some of the ideas we'll be looking at in this course.
Born-Oppenheimer approximation The Born–Oppenheimer (BO) approximation is ubiquitous in quantum chemical calculations of molecular wavefunctions.
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