在雅思听力考试中,很多情况下选择题的每一个选项在录音中都会出现,这就对考生造成了很大的误导,如果考生对这部分录音没有完全听懂就会很容易选错。剑桥8 test1 section 2 19-20题:
Which TWO activities can students do after the tour at present?
A. Build model dinosaurs
B. Watch films
C. Draw dinosaurs
D. Find dinosaur eggs
E. Play computer games
原文:we used to have an activity room with more interactive things like making models of dinosaurs and drawing and painting pictures, even hunting dinosaur eggs, but unfortunately the room was damaged in a bad storm recently when water came in the roof, so that's closed at the moment. But we do have an IT Centre where students have access to CD ROMs with a range of dinosaur games.通过原文我们可以看出,五个选项在听力原文中同时出现,如果考生没有注意听,就很难选出正确答案。
雅思听力选择题难点解析,要排除干扰信息,考生首先在读题的过程中需要区分选项之间的关系,这样在听录音时机会有所侧重,对干扰的内容及时排除。另外,考生也可以通过排除法,对并列出现的信息进行排除。比如在上述题目中,通过“we used to have an activity room with more interactive things like making models of dinosaurs and drawing and painting pictures, even hunting dinosaur eggs…”我们可以听出,A,C,D三个选项同时出现在这个句子中,而题目要求是选出两个答案,如果这三个选项有一个是对的,其他两个就必然也是正确的,这样就可以直接排除,确定正确答案为B和E。
在雅思听力考试中,选择题分为两种类型:单选题和多选题。单选题为3个选项,而多选题一般是5个或7个选项,因此无论是哪种类型的选择题,题干的长度一般都比较长。而雅思听力考试的时间安排十分紧凑,留给考生的读题时间很有限,考生只能在录音开始前的30秒快速浏览题目,因此对于选择题的读题来说,时间压力是很大的。如剑7 Test 2中的第31-35题:
Questions 31-35
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Left and Right Handedness in Sport
31 Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised
A how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness.
B the relevance of connections he made with music.
C the impressive size of his research project.
32 Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in
A helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses.
B aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game.
C developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople.
33 Anita feels that most sports coaches
A know nothing about the influence of handedness.
B focus on the wrong aspects of performance.
C underestimate what science has to offer sport.
34 A German study showed there was greater 'mixed handedness' in musicians who
A started playing instruments in early youth.
B play a string instrument such as the violin.
C practise a great deal on their instrument.
35 Studies on ape behaviour show that
A apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful.
B apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans.
C more apes are left-handed than right-handed.
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