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  01  Part2话题  Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen  You should say:  What you waited for  When you waited  Why it was special  And explain how you felt while you were waiting  2022年1-...[详情]

  雅思口语不知道说什么怎么办?12月雅思口语应该如何备考?对于学生们都非常关注的内容,这里我们请到了环球教育的老师为大家进行详细解答,希望对各位的备考能够有所帮助!  雅思口语怎么说?  尽管每个考季的口语题库数量不少,范围不小。但就考题本...[详情]

  01  Part2话题  Describe a difficult decision that you oncemade You should say:  What the decision was  When you made your decision  What the results of the decision were  And explain why it was difficult to make  02  话...[详情]

  01  Part2话题  Describe a difficult decision that you once made  You should say;  What the decision was  When you made your decision  What the results of the decision were  And explain why it was difficult to make  02 ...[详情]

  别小看Part1,从Part1考官就能对你的分数有个大致判断了。  我们将从两个版块:必备表达+参考答案  帮助大家既能在Part1有一个好看的分数,又能助益口语写作的思维,冲刺高分。  # 必备表达 #  在这一部分,我们会按照词性分类:名词、动词和形容...[详情]




  Describe a businessman you admire.  商业,商人,构成了商业社会不可或缺的一部分。  同样是商人,为何有些商人不仅能积累巨额财富,还可以赢得大众的认可,社会的尊重呢?他们有什么样的魅力,让人们去admire呢?今天我们来通过一道Part 2题目来一...[详情]

  01  Part2话题  Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school  You should say:  When you moved  Where you moved  Why you moved  And how you felt about it  5-8月口语季的【Part1-3的完整题库+高分素材】咨询老师即可~  ...[详情]

  Part2话题:  等待特殊的事情  Describe a time when you waited for something special that wouldhappen  You should say:  What you waited for  Where you waited Why it wasspecial  And explain how you felt while you were waiting ...[详情]

雅思口语考试安排通知 – 11月27日场次



  接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2021年11月27日雅思考试的考生口语安排如下,供广大考生参考。  请按照报名网站公布的准考证打印时间登录雅思考试报名网站查询您的口试安排,打印准考证并以如果您有任何疑问,欢迎致电教育部考试中心雅思全国呼叫热线010-...[详情]

  你会不会在雅思口语考试的时候,听不懂考官的问题,说着说着开始卡壳,然后又被考官打断,逐渐开始emo?  今天,就给大家整理了雅思口语考试中常常遇到的问题及解决办法,赶快来学习!  01  问题听不懂  有些同学的听力不是非常好,再加上遇上了...[详情]



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]

