接下来为大家汇总2021年各工程专业排名前十的英国大学(排名来自Guardian University Guide 2021)
General Engineering
1. University of Bristol
2. University of Cambridge
3. Imperial College London
4. University of Oxford
5. University of Warwick
6. Loughborough University
7. Aston University
8. Durham University
9. University of Leeds
10. Nottingham Trent University
Civil Engineering
1. University of Southampton
2. University of Bristol
3. University of Leeds
4. Imperial College London
5. University of West London
6. University of Bath
7. University of Bradford
8. Abertay University
9. University of Liverpool
10. Loughborough University
Mechanical Engineering
1. University of Bristol
2. Imperial College London
3. University of Bath
4. University of Leeds
5. Loughborough University
6. University of Southampton
7. University of Strathclyde
8. University of Wales, Trinity Saint David
9. Heriot-Watt University
10. University of Sheffield
Chemical Engineering
1. University of Cambridge
2. Imperial College London
3. University of Nottingham
4. University of Birmingham
5. University of Bradford
6. London South Bank University
7. University of Edinburgh
8. University of Bath
9. University of Sheffield
10. Lancaster University
Electrical/Electronic Engineering
1. University of Southampton
2. University of Nottingham
3. Aston University
4. Imperial College London
5. London South Bank University
6. University of Surrey
7. Queen's University Belfast
8. Northumbria University
9. University of Manchester
10. University of Leeds
Materials/Mineral Engineering
1. University of Oxford
2. Loughborough University
3. University of Exeter
4. University of Manchester
5. University of Birmingham
6. University of Sheffield
7. Swansea University
8. Imperial College London
9. Sheffield Hallam University
10. Queen Mary, University of London
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