久违的电影院又开始热闹起来啦,这个周末有挑好你想看的电影了没?Daisy老师本周在学生请假的空挡跑去看了据说很“烧脑的”信条,嗯, 就是看之前需要做点功课,看的过程中慢慢越来越被吸引,看完过后要好好回味几天的那种。
1.身手矫捷的John David Washington
2.颜值&锁匠担当Robert Pattinson
3.身高1米9,高过影片里几乎所有男人的Elizabeth Debicki
但是在心脏受音响的被迫振动(forced oscillation)而发生共振(resonance)的枪战声中,我的关注点全在他们在争夺的元素,Plutonium - 241(钚 [bù]) 上,为什么要费劲周折抢夺这样一个金属呢?
Plutonium, 原子序数94,主要由人工合成,在1941年左右由Glenn T. Seaborg, Joseph W. Kennedy, Edward M. McMillan and Arthur C. Wohl 等人用被cyclotron加速后的deuterons攻击uranium-238后,再由其产物neptunium-238发生beta衰变后产生
知识点Recall: cyclotron
学过Edexcel 物理U4的同学应该不陌生,这里有个常考的知识点
Explain how the cyclotron accelerates the particles to a high energy. (6分)
Electric field(p.d.) accelerates protons between dees, this is an alternating p.d. which reverses when the particle is in the dees.
Magnetic field is perpendicular to plane of dees, thus, the particle path is curved by magnetic field as the magnetic field exerts the centripetal force.
As speed of particles increases, radius of path in dees increases, but
the time for which a proton is in a dee remains constant.
回到正题,影片中和未来的人类做着交易,一心想要得到Plutonium - 241的军火商Sator罹患胰腺癌,这很有可能就是和他长期接触放射性元素有关。日常生活中我们也经常谈“辐射”色变,那么辐射到底有什么样的危害呢?这个我们要先从原子核的衰变讲起
nuclear decay
Unstable nucleus changed its structure by emitting alpha particles, beta particles or gamma radiation.
下面这个表格详细滴介绍了这三种放射性衰变的特征,包括其penetration穿透性和ionizing power电离能
NameNatureChargePenetrationRelative Ionizing power
Alpha (α)Fast moving helium nucleus+4eVery low; Can only travel several cm in air; stopped by several mm of paperHigh (104)
Beta (β)Very fast moving electron?eFair; stopped by several mm of aluminium sheetmedium (102)
Gamma (γ)Short wavelength electromagnetic radiationZeroHigh; only can be stopped by several cm of leadLow (1)
About radiation
学过物理的同学应该都知道,辐射无处不在,整个electromagnetic spectrum,包括 radio wave,microwave,infrared,visible light,x-ray,γ-ray等都是辐射。那,所有的辐射都有害么?
Hazards from nuclear radiations
通过这个表格我们可以知道,虽然alpha particle的电离能ionising power很强,但是因为其穿透性 penetration很弱,所以在体外时几乎无害,比如电离型烟雾传感器中就带有极少量的α放射性物质Am-241;但是一但α放射性物质进入体内后,就会因为其极强的电离能而导致中毒或是致癌。所以在讨论这三种衰变带来的辐射危害时,电离能和穿透性都需要加以考虑。
除了辐射粒子的类型外,在评估辐射的危害时,还需要考虑的物理量叫做radioactive activity, 即 rate of decay
N 是 number of nuclei in the sample; λ 是 decay constant, 代表的是probability of decay, 可以理解为单位时间内发生decay的概率,与其相关的更常用的物理量是half-life 半衰期: time taken for half of the nuclei of that nuclide within a sample to decay.
In March 2011, a nuclear meltdown occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and radioactive materials were released into the environment. A month later, seaweed off the coast near Long Beach, California was found to be contaminated with iodine-131, a radioisotope that decays by emitting β particles. In one sample the activity was found to be 2.5 Bq per gram of dry seaweed.
half-life of iodine-131 = 8.0 days
There is a moderate risk to the public from the accumulation of iodine-131 in the seaweed.
Explain why. (2分)
A technician is checking the activity of a radioactive source.
Describe how the technician should safely handle the source. (2)
那么大家抢来抢去的Plutonium-241,是否如题目答案所说存放在lead-lined box里呢?看电影的时候可以稍微留意下。
最后一个问题,Plutonium-241的half-life是14年,且发生beta decay, 那么,它会给接触到它的人带来多大的健康风险呢?相信看到这里的你已经有了答案,欢迎在留言里说出你的看法
Edexcel student book 2
Daisy’s note
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