DAY 15
TPO33 Task3
Woman: Hey, did you read that letter? What do you think?
Man: Yeah, I read it. I understand what she’s saying but I really don’t agree with her suggestions.
Woman: How come?
Man: Well, students often need to borrow the bikes for longer periods of time, sometimes a whole day.
Woman: What for?
Man: Well, like, to do stuff off-campus, for instance, my friends and I on the weekends, sometimes we like to ride bikes to the state park outside of town and do some hiking there. And it basically takes a whole day. It’s night time by the time when we get back.
Woman: So if you had less time you wouldn’t be able to do that.
Man: Right, and also her other suggestion doesn’t seem practical to me.
Woman: The card thing? Man: Yeah, that’s not gonna work. What if you want to enter a campus building? Even though you can get into most of the classroom buildings without a card, there are certain buildings on campus where you need to show your card to get in, like the library and dining hall.
Woman: Yeah, that’s true, so students wouldn’t be able to go to any of those places till they got their cards back.
longer periods 较长时间
whole day 整天
off-campus 校外
state park 州立公园
hiking 徒步旅行
time slots 时间段
campus building 校园建筑
dining hall食堂,更多备考详情咨询老师即可~