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PTE 小作文Summarize Written Text 在考试中一般有2-3个题,每题10分钟,童鞋们需要在一篇300-500词的小文章中用一句话,长度为5-75个词进行概况(如果超字数一定会被扣分)。SWT 不但在作文中占分,而且阅读分数也有一定的比例。
今天Hans 老师就会给各位PTE童鞋share一下如何解决这些问题,并运用Hans老师原创的“五步缩减法” 在SWT中高效快捷地取得高分。这个方法是经过Hans老师多次PTE考场实战并获得作文满分验证过的,各位童鞋可以放心使用哦。
SWT官方评分标准一共分成四个部分:content(内容), form(结构), grammar(语法) & vocabulary(词汇);
“五步缩减法” 的每一步都是Hans老师针对官方的四个标准精心设计出来的,能起到逐一攻破的效果。
那如何利用“五步缩减法”把文章缩减成我们自己的summary ,从而取得高分呢?让Hans老师手把手用一个机经题教你:
Find the Key sentences & Linkers
评分标准指出只要提及到所有的重点内容就能拿2分,所以我们在第一步就要缩减文章的篇幅并留下key sentences & linking words。
Key sentences
首先,把文章里面的关键句找出来,关键句通常是ideas & explanation,一般不会是example。大家可以把example先去除,一些非常细节的句子也可以选择不管。
Hans 老师建议PTE宝宝们平时练习阅读时,就要习惯迅速把文章句子的主干(主谓宾)找出来,区分什么是idea,explanation & example。
连接词是句子与句子之间的关系,它们是句子与句子之间的润滑剂,也是分清楚idea,explanation & example的重要信号;
通过找到连接词,我们就可以很好地把握文章的结构。随后Step 4再把这个结构 “以其人之身还治其人之道” 地用到我们的summary中,这种按文章思路的结构写的summary又怎能不获得高分呢?
看看这题机经例子:keywords & linkers
Skipping Breakfast Has Drawbacks – It's no mystery why so many people routinely skip breakfast: bad timing. It comes at a time when folks can be more occupied with matters of grooming, attire and otherwise making themselves presentable for a new day. However, studies conducted both in the United States and internationally have shown that skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being. Students who skip breakfast are not as efficient at selecting critical information for problem-solving as their peers who have had breakfast. For school children, skipping breakfast diminishes the ability to recall and use newly acquired information, verbal fluency, and control of attention, according to Ernesto Pollitt, a UC Davis professor of pediatrics whose research focuses on the influence of breakfast on mental and physical performance. Skipping breakfast can impair thinking in adults, also. For both children and adults, a simple bowl of cereal with milk goes a long way toward providing a sufficiently nutritious start to the day. Green-Burgeson recommends choosing a cereal that's low in sugar — less than five grams per serving — and using nonfat or one percent milk. Frederick Hirshburg, a pediatrician at UC Davis Medical Group, Carmichael, says that babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day. Breakfast then becomes more of a "learned experience" than a response to a biological need, Hirshburg says.
Lose the unimportant words & phrases
把关键句找出来以后,第二步就是要帮这些句子进行缩减,然后把缩减后剩下的原文词汇和短语用到我们的summary 中。Hans老师建议大家要直接使用原文的词汇搭配,这样的话choice of words 又怎能不appropriate呢?词汇2分就这样搞掂了。
句子瘦身过程中,宝宝们可以把一些插入语,不相关的从句或者不重要的形容词和副词去掉,把keywords 和句子主干保留就够了。
Skipping Breakfast Has Drawbacks
It's no mystery why so many people routinely skip breakfast: bad timing.
However studies conducted both in the United States and internationally have shown that skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being.
For both children and adults, a simple bowl of cereal with milk goes a long way toward providing a sufficiently nutritious start to the day.
babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day.
Breakfast then becomes more of a "learned experience" than a response to a biological need.
Skipping Breakfast Has Drawbacks
Why skip breakfast: Bad timing
Studies have shown skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being
A bowl of cereal with milk providing a sufficiently nutritious start to the day.
babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day.
Breakfast then becomes a "learned experience" than a response to biological need.
Paraphrase the sentences
1. Skipping Breakfast Has Drawbacks
加词:Skipping breakfast has some drawbacks
2. Why skip breakfast: Bad timing
改句子:à bad timing is why many people skip breakfast
3. Studies have shown skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being
4. A bowl of cereal with milk providing a sufficiently nutritious start to the day.
把动名词改成动词:A bowl of cereal with milk providing -- provides a sufficiently nutritious start to the day.
5. babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day.
6. Breakfast then becomes a "learned experience" than a response to biological need.
Add linkers
PTE要求我们的summary只能是一句话,因此在Step 4中,我们需要加一些连接词,把几个分别句子串成一句完整的话。
Hans老师建议大家尽量使用Step 1总结出来的文章连接词,确保逻辑没有错。
如果大家实在想不出句子之间的逻辑关系就用 “, and” 来连接,因为and除了并列还可以表达很多种其它逻辑关系的。
Skipping breakfast has some drawbacks
and bad timing is why many people skip breakfast
However, studies have shown skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being
while a bowl of cereal with milk provides a sufficiently nutritious start to the day
and babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day.
Then breakfast becomes a "learned experience" than a response to biological need.
Double check
最后在大功告成之前,一定要检查语法和拼写, 如单复数,标点符号(特别注意句号只能有一个)。
Sample answer:
Skipping breakfast has some drawbacks, and bad timing is why many people skip breakfast, however, studies have shown skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being, while a bowl of cereal with milk provides a sufficiently nutritious start to the day, and babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because they're usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day, then breakfast becomes a "learned experience" than a response to biological need.
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