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Princess Diana's brother calls for BBC inquiry into faked bank statements
Charles Spencer says BBC used ‘sheer dishonesty’ to secure interview with princess
1.Princess Diana’s brother has accused the BBC of a “whitewash” over faked bank statements that allegedly helped to secure a historic Panorama interview with his sister, and called on the corporation to carry out a formal inquiry.
2.Charles Spencer said the BBC had used “sheer dishonesty” to win the trust of Diana, Princess of Wales, for the interview with Martin Bashir.
3.The earl said he uncovered a letter, allegedly written by Bashir in 1995, in which Bashir referenced false rumours that were circulating about the Prince of Wales having an affair with the couple’s nanny, Tiggy Legge-Bourke.
4.Accusing Bashir of “yellow journalism”, Spencer said the BBC journalist had also used forged bank statements to coerce the princess into talking to the programme. The statements, entirely wrongly, purported to show that two senior courtiers were being paid by the security services for information on Diana.
5.Last week, the BBC director general, Tim Davie, declined to open an investigation into the allegations but apologised for the use of fake bank statements 25 years ago, which were said to have been instrumental in securing the interview, which was watched by 23 million viewers.
6.Now Spencer has demanded a formal inquiry. In a letter to Davie, seen by the Daily Mail, he said the corporation had failed to accept “the full gravity of this situation”.
7.He wrote: “If it were not for me seeing these statements, I would not have introduced Bashir to my sister. In turn, he would have remained just one of thousands of journalists hoping that he/she had a tiny chance of getting her to speak to them, with no realistic prospect of doing so.”
8.He called on the BBC to offer his family and the public a posthumous apology for Bashir’s alleged deception.
9.“Why did Tony Hall’s inquiry not seek the truth from me?” he wrote. “Why did it bend over backwards to whitewash Bashir?”
10.Spencer added: “The sheer dishonesty of what I’ve seen in the BBC 25 years ago, both in Bashir and his colleague’s actions in securing the interview, and the whitewash under Tony Hall’s name, demands it.”
11.The BBC has insisted the bank statements played no part in Diana’s decision to give the interview. According to the corporation, the princess wrote a letter, which has since been mislaid, insisting she was not misled.
12.A BBC spokesman said Bashir was seriously unwell and therefore could not be contacted. “The BBC is being as open as we can be about events from a quarter of a century ago,” it said.
13.“Our records show the focus of the BBC’s investigations into these events was whether or not the Princess of Wales had been misled, and they show that the BBC’s key piece of information was the handwritten statement from the Princess of Wales, who said she hadn’t seen the mocked-up documents and they had played no part in her decision to take part in the interview.
14.“None of this means the BBC won’t properly look at issues raised. If anyone has substantial new information they would like to share with us, we are encouraging them to do so. While Martin is unwell, however, we are unable to progress this further.”
whitewash n. (粉刷用的)石灰水,白涂料;粉饰;掩盖;(得零分)大败,惨败;一败涂地vt. 粉饰, 美化, 掩饰
What he said was just to whitewash his actions.
corporation n. 公司
They have ties with an American corporation.
inquiry n. 调查;质询;探究
inquiry into 调查,查询;对…的调查;询问
inquiry learning 探究性学习
inquiry system 查询系统
inquiry about 有关…的调查;打听…
make an inquiry 询价
inquiry sheet 询价单
Counselors began an inquiry into industrial needs.
earl n. (英国)伯爵;伯爵爵位
Duckes, earls, and barons are all lords.
circulate about在…附近流传
Which leads us neatly to the many rumors still circulating about Dumbledore's final hours.
我把谈话巧妙地引到了那些围绕着邓 布利多最后时刻的许多传闻上。
yellow journalism n.黄色新闻(夸张或耸人听闻的报章报道)
19世纪30-50年代,由于美国报业进入商业时期,竞争激烈,一种带有创新性质的更加大众化的报纸开始出现,充满了煽情性报道、大标题以及较多新闻图片,这些新闻被称为黄色新闻。19世纪末20世纪初,为争夺发行量,约瑟夫·普利策(Joseph Pulizter)创办的《纽约世界报》(New York World)和威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特(William Randolph Hearst)创办的《纽约日报》(New York Journal)掀起了黄色新闻大战。
forge vt. 锻造;伪造, 仿造;突然向前n. 锻造车间; 铁匠铺;熔铁炉
Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.
coerce vt. 迫使做;强迫, 强制;(以武力、惩罚、威胁等手段)控制;支配;压制
I was coerced into joining the gang.
purport vt. 声称;意指;意图;打算n. 意义,主旨;意图
She purports to represent the whole group.
instrumental adj. 为器乐谱写的; 用乐器演奏的;有帮助的, 起作用的
He was instrumental in catching the criminal.
在捉拿那个罪犯的过程中, 他起了作用。
posthumous adj. 死后发生的;死后获得的;作者死后出版的;死后出生的, 遗腹的
He received a posthumous award for bravery.
他表现勇敢, 死后受到了嘉奖。
deception n. 欺骗;骗术, 诡计
This made Tom sadder than his deception.
bend over俯身;折转
All the playing card-soldiers bent over so they looked like arches.
mislay vt. 放错;遗失
I have mislaid my key to the door.
substantial adj. 坚固的; 结实的;大量的, 可观的;重大的, 重要的;实质的, 基本的, 大体上的
They made substantial changes to the arrangements.