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2020-05-15 | 编辑:y | 分享到




  Part 1-3真题点评


  对于PART1常规必考题Work or study/Accommodation/Hometown,想必同学们都非常熟练了,那么为了给自己的答案增添生动性,除了常规套路以外,我们不妨借“follow your heart”,按你想回答的思路来构建答案,加入更多属于你自己的个性化内容。本季PART1中经典老题如Movie、Travel、Public Holiday等频繁出现,新题中的Park、Wild Animals、Spending time by yourself等都是旧题回库,也比较贴近生活,备考时建议多结合自身经历及感受拓展细节。不太熟悉的如Art、Science class这类新题,建议参考常用利用中的艺术/科学/科技的重要性等方面切入来准备。另外,Cake、Pen&pencil这类话题的准备中,可以加入正反对比、今昔描述等技巧,凸显语言运用能力。

  Part 2:


  Part 3:

  PART3是Two way discussion,重点在于多角度切入,并且展现出同学们能够深入讨论问题的语言能力和思辨能力。对于这部分的准备,建议明确答题的逻辑及框架结构,注重平时阅读外刊,积累观点及表达,相信对于冲击高分会有比较大的帮助。


  Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet

  You should say:

  What it was

  Where you read it

  Why you read it

  And how you felt about it



  这是一道前几年常考的物品类话题,但也算是一个日常语料收集的盲区。本题要求考生描述一篇在杂志或者网上所读到的与健康有关的文章。减肥、平衡饮食、做运动通常是较为容易上手的切入点,相信每个人或多或少都有些经验,那么语料准备方面就能既得心应手又真情实感啦,答案表述起来也能情感丰沛,说服力十足。同时比照本季另一道物品类话题“Describe a difficult challenge you met.”如果上一题你选择描述的是减肥/健身,那语料准备不正是一石二鸟吗?


  look up 查找

  the Chinese version of 中文版xxx

  left a mark>not a walk in the park to stick to 不是那么简单就能坚持下来的

  in your social circle 在你的朋友圈中

  be half-successful in weight loss 在减肥的道路上已经成功了一半

  fire me up 燃起了我的热情

  cheer each other up 互相鼓劲

  be really grateful for 真的很感激xxx




  About half a year ago, I looked up a lot of articles and videos about how to lose weight. There was one article on Zhihu, the Chinese version of Quora, that really left a mark on me.

The main idea of this article is that the key to losing weight is finding a companion who would like to go through the workout and diet everyday with you. You know, it’s not a walk in the park to stick to a weight loss procedure all by yourself. So if you can find anyone in your social circle who has the same goal as you and form a team to encourage and support each other, then you might be half-successful in weight loss.

The article also gave an example. When there are four swimming lovers who want to lose weight, they can improve their performance by cooperating. One can be in charge of their workout schedule, the best swimmer can correct the others' swimming poses, the one who knows the most about diets can make diet plans for them, and the last person can monitor the group's progress in weight loss.

The article really fired me up, so I started a fitness team with three friends of mine. We went to the gym together and cheered each other up when we were tired or hungry. It really worked like a charm; every one of us lost weight more or less. So I'm really grateful for finding that article. It definitely helped me out a lot.


  Part 1-3真题点评

  Part 1:这个星期是换新题库的第二个星期,题库趋于稳定,新增加的口语题目相对于之前难度不是很大,都比较贴近学生的日常生活,比如museum,friend让考生都可以有话说,同时在准备新题的同时对于旧题也不能够掉以轻心,还是要多加练习.

  Part 2:  本次Part2的话题人物类的变动情况不是很大, 在经历类和物品类出现了较多的新题,比如说describe an important jounery that has been delayed 描述一次被延误的重要旅行 或者是 describe a successful small company 描述一家成功的小公司,学生拿到此类题目可能难以下手,学生可以从自己已有的生活中去寻找思路或者事例, 在准备part2过程中千万不要背诵一些答案,可以自己去模仿构造适合自己的答案.

  Part 3:Part3虽然和part1的考试形式相同但是难度却提升一个等级,尤其是在换题季,学生往往会因为准备前两个部分而忽视part3的准备,恰恰第三部分是对于学生语言素质的一个全面考察,不可掉以轻心.


  Describe a person in the news who you want to meet

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  Where you knew him / her

  What he / she is like

  And explain why you want to meet him / her



  这是一道关于人物类的话题,是关于介绍一位想要见到一位新闻里的人物的话题,此类话题是本季度的新题但是可以和以前的旧题练习起来比如 a band / singer 结合起来,难度系数会降低很多。


  well-known 著名的

  be talented in … 在…方面有天赋

  be addicted to … 对…着迷

  genius 天才

  devote oneself to doing sth. 全身心投入干某事

  release a song 发歌

  sell out 售空

  stunned 惊讶的




  Well, speaking of this topic, a person in the news who I want to meet actually is Jay Chow who is one of the most well-known singers from Taiwan and I think in China every people maybe know his name. As for me, the first time that I knew him was at my secondary school, I mean, about 13 years ago when I watched a news about how Jay Chow was talented in singing and composing. And it was my first time to listen to his songs so I was addicted to his unique voice and melody. Since then I have become a fan of him. As we all know, Jay devotes himself to developing melody into Chinese style and I do think he is a genius in creating such kind of songs. Every year, he would release a new song or album to the public which is always a huge hit. Regarding the reasons why I would like to meet him, you know, as being his fan for over 10 years but I don’t have chance to watch one of his concerts util now. Even last year he held six concerts in Shanghai, tickets all sold out in one second which made me so stunned. So if I were to have a chance, I would like to watch his concert and meet him in reality.











  With the urban population growing, more and more people live in a home with small or no outdoor areas. Is it a positive or negative development?


  观点类题目。本次大作文是新题,但是题材属于出题频率比较高的城市类。注意角度多样性,可以从对个人和对社会两个角度分析现象。注意题目中的home with small or no outdoor areas不完全等同于small house.




  A soaring number of urbanites live in flats without space for activities. This trend, in my opinion, brings about more benefits than problems to individuals as well as the society as a whole.  It is argued that lack of outdoor space could affect citizen’s quality of life. Unlike human’s early accommodations which always have a garden or a yard, contemporary urban dwellings are not appropriate for doing physical exercise or throwing a barbecue party. As a result, people gradually live a sedentary life and have a weakening relationship with their neighbors, friends and relatives. However, the problem mentioned above can be addressed as long as public leisure places like parks and squares are constructed. In fact, urban residents exercising or socialising in these areas are permitted with more possibilities to play outdoors and get acquainted with people. Another consideration that cannot be ignored is that as a significant gap between the high demand for houses and the availability of land exists, the majority of young people working in metropolis are not able to afford the high rent of large-sized houses, quite apart from buying them. The money saved from renting or purchasing a house equipped with less or no private outdoor space can be used to improve other life aspects ranging from daily necessities to entertainment.

  As for the society, two points are concerned. For one thing, accommodating people in high-density residential areas is an optimal solution to tackle the significant increase of urban population as this way relieves the press and damage to the surrounding environment. For another, the acceptable price of housing allows settlement of more young people, who are the main labor force for building the cities.

  To conclude, despite the likelihood of doing fewer sports or activities, constructing dwellings with less outdoor space exerts more positive effects.



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]