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2020-05-15 | 编辑:y | 分享到







  Part 1

  1. Numbers 数字

  l Do you usually use numbers?

  l Are you good at remembering phone numbers? l What’s your favorite number?

  2. Science classes 科学课

  l Do you think science classes are important?

  l Did you have science classes in primary school or high school? l Do you like science classes?

  l What kind of science did you do at school?

  3. History 历史

  l Do you like history?

  l Did you like history when you were young?

  l When was the last time you read about history? l Have you ever been to historical museums?

  4. Scenery 风景

  l Do you like to live in the hotels with scenic views when you travel?

  l Is there good scenery in cities?

  l Do you like to take pictures of scenery with your smart phone? Why? l Is there good scenery in your hometown?

  5. Art 艺术

  l Have you ever had art classes?

  l Do you like art?

  l Is there any artwork on the wall of your room? l Have you visited an art gallery?

  6. Pen & pencil 钢笔与铅笔

  l When was the last time when you bought a pen or pencil?

  l Do you usually use pen or pencil?

  l Which do you use more often, pen or pencil?

  l What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?

  7. Cake 蛋糕

  l Do you like eating cakes?

  l Have you ever made cakes?

  l What disserts do Chinese people like? l Do you like disserts?

  8. Spending time by yourself 单独度过时间

  l How do you usually spend time by yourself? l Do you like spending time by yourself?

  l Do you usually spend time by yourself?

  9. Laugh 大笑

  l Do you think it’s important to laugh with friends?

  l Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?

  l Do you usually make your friends laugh?

  l Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?

  10. Water sports 水上运动

  l Are water sports popular in your country?

  l Have you done water sports?

  l What water sports do you like doing?

  l What kind of water sports do you want to try?

  11. Running 跑

  l Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? l Do you like running?

  l Where do you usually go running?

  l How often do you go for a run?

  12. Park 公园

  l Do you think people like going to parks? l Do you often go to the park?

  l What activities can be done in a park?

  13. Jeans 牛仔裤

  l Do you wear jeans?

  l Do you like wearing jeans?

  l How often do you wear jeans?

  l Why do you think jeans are popular?

  14. Voices 声音

  l Has your voice ever changed?

  l Do you enjoy recording your voices and listening to it?

  l Do you like your own voice?

  l Does your voice sound like that of your parents?

  15. Friends 朋友

  l What do you think makes good friends?

  l Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? l What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

  l Do you think you are a good friend for others?

  16. Haircut 剪发

  l Do you like having your haircut?

  l Do you like coloring your hair?

  l How often do you have a haircut?

  l Have had an unhappy haircut experience?

  l How long have you had your current haircut?

  17. Languages 语言

  l Will you learn another language in the future?

  l Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language/English?

  l What/How many languages can you speak?

  l Why do you learn English?

  18. Countryside 乡村

  l Have you lived in the countryside?

  l What did you do in the countryside at that time?

  l Will you choose to live in the countryside in the future?

  19. Walking 步行

  l Where do you usually take a walk?

  l Do you walk more often than in the past?

  l Do you walk a lot?

  l Do you think people will walk more in the future?

  20. Concentration 集中精力

  l When do you need to be focused?

  l What may distract you when you are trying to be focused?

  l Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

  l What do you do to help you concentrate?

  21. Tiredness 疲劳

  l What makes you tired?

  l What do you do when you feel tired?

  l Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel tired, your friends or your family? l Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel tired?

  22. Study or work 学习或工作

  l 通用问题 Are you studying or working?

  More questions for Students:

  l How many hours do you study every week?

  l What can help people to study?

  l Do you think students should have challenge in the university?

  l What subjects are you studying?

  l Why did you choose to study your major? / Do you like your major? Questions for Working people:

  l 通用问题 Are you studying or working?

  l What work do you do? Why did you choose to do that job?

  l Do you think being a student is better? / Do you miss being a student?

  l Do you like your job?/ Do you like working in the current working environment?

  23. Name 名字

  l What’s your full name?

  l Is there any special meaning of your name? l Do you like your name?

  24. Hometown 家乡

  l Where’s your hometown?(Is that a big city or a small place? + describe your hometown a little.)

  l How long have you lived there/here?

  l Do you like living there/here?

  l Where do you live?

  l Are there any differences between your hometown and living city?

  25. Accommodation/house or flat/living 居住/房子或公寓

  l Do you prefer to live in a house or flat/apartment?

  l Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?

  l How long have you lived there?

  l Which room (of your home) do you like best?/Can you say something about

  the room?

  l Which room do you spend most of the time with your family in?

  26. Movies 电影

  l Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies?

  l How often do you go to cinema? With whom?

  l Have movies that you like changed a lot?

  27. Pet/animals 宠物/动物

  l Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

  l Are there many people keeping pets in your country?

  l What pets will you keep if you want?

  l Do you like going to the zoo?

  l Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

  28. Plan 计划

  l Do you make plans every day?

  l What is the hardest part about making plans?

  l What was the latest plan you made?

  l Are you good at managing your time?

  29. Math 数学

  l Do you often use a calculator?

  l Are girls generally good at math?

  l Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well? l Do you think math is important?

  30. Perfume 香水

  l Do you use/wear perfume?

  l What kind of perfume do you wear? l Do you give perfume as a gift?

  l What does perfume mean to you?

  31. Travel 旅行

  l Do you like traveling?

  l What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

  l Which cities have you traveled to?

  l What’s the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling?

  32. Reading books 读书

  l Do you like reading?

  l What kind of books do you read?

  l Do you read books related to your profession? l Do you read electronic books?

  33. Tea and coffee 茶与咖啡

  l Do people in your country prefer to drink tea or coffee?

  l Do you prefer to serve tea or coffee to your guests at home? l When did you drink tea or coffee last time?

  34. Smile 微笑

  l Can you recognize a fake smile?

  l Do you smile when people take pictures of you? l When do people smile to/with others?

  l Do you like to smile?

  35. Outdoors 户外

  l Is it important for children to play outdoors?

  l Did you often go over to your friend’s house when you were young?

  l Did you like to go outside when you were young?

  l Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

  36. Market 市场

  l Are there many street markets in your country?

  l Do you often go to the supermarket?

  l What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

  l What do street markets sell?

  37. Public transports/transportation 公共交通

  l How do you often go to work or school?

  l How did you come here today?

  l Do you often take public transports?

  l What do you often do on public transports?

  38. Patience 耐心

  l Are you patient?

  l Were you patient in your childhood?

  l How do you feel when other people are not patient?

  39. Visiting relatives/classmates 拜访亲戚/同学

  l Do you often visit your relatives?

  l What do you do when visiting relatives?

  l Why do people visit their relatives?

  l When was the last time when you visited your relatives?

  40. Social network 社交网络

  l Do you think it is good to make friends online?

  l What are the disadvantages of social networking apps? l Why do you use social networking apps?

  l How often do you use social networking apps?

  41. Daily routine 日常

  l Will you change your daily routine in the near future?

  l What’s the difference between people’s daily routine in the past and that in the


  l Has your daily routine changed? And how?

  l What do you usually do at weekends?

  42. Garbage 垃圾

  l Do you think your city is clean or not?

  l How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

  l Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

  l What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

  注意区分 What do you do when you see garbage on the street?

  43. Teacher 老师

  l Who is the teacher you like most in your high school?

  l Do you want to be a teacher?

  l 补充问题:Do you like your high school?

  44. Weather 天气

  l Do you like dry weather or wet weather?

  l Do you often take raincoats/umbrellas with you?

  l How do rainy days/does such weather affect people’s life?

  45. Music 音乐

  l What kinds of music do you like?

  l Did you like the same kind of music with the music you liked during the childhood?

  l Do you like live music?

  46. Living area/the area you live in 居住区域

  l Do you like living in your living area?

  l Has there been any change in your living place recently?

  l Is there anything you are unsatisfied about your living area? l Do you know any celebrity in your living area?

  l Where do you like to go within your living area?

  47. Public holiday/holiday 公共假期

  l Do you have many public holidays? Is that enough?/Do you think you/people

  need more holidays? (答案人称灵活转换即可)

  l Which public holiday do you like most? Why?

  l Which one is the most important one?

  l How many public holidays are there in your country?

  l How do you often spend your holidays?

  48. Taking photos 摄影

  l Do you like taking photos?

  l On what occasions do you often take photos? l How do you often keep your photos?

  l How do you share photos with your friends?

  Part 2

  1. Describe a crowded place you went to. 拥挤之地

  2. Describe a performance you watched recently 最近你看过的表演

  3. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet 杂志或报纸上有关健康的文章

  4. Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal. 描述一次你看见有趣动物的经历

  5. Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first. 买来一开始难用的东西

  6. Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future. 未来你不想做的工作



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授课风格:亲切有耐心,化繁为简,因材施教。善于发现学生的优点和倾听学生... [详情]